Reading Island Boat Ramp Improvement Project
With grant funding through the Wildlife Conservation Board's Proposition 68 Public Access Program, this project is working to plan the rehabilitation and improvement of the Reading Island Boat Ramp Facility. This site is located at the confluence of Anderson Creek and the Sacramento River in south Shasta County. The site is oprated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The project team, including BLM, CSU Chico Northstate Planning and Development Collective, CA Deptartment of Water Resources, The Sacramento River Forum, and WSRCD, is working to develop project designs, complete CEQA and NEPA review, and devlelop an operations and maintenance framework to restore the site for public use. Motorized and non-motorized boaters will be able to utilize the improved facility to access the mainstem of the Sacramento River via the lower reaches of Anderson Creek, where the launching facility is located.
Restoring the boat ramp for public use will include installing a new floating dock on the existing piles, removal of accumulated sediment and aquatic invasive vegetation in the channel, installation of a new entry gate, and improvements to the parking and access areas.
Design sheets for the Reading Island Boat Ramp Improvement Project can be accessed HERE
Grant funding for this project in the amount of $633,000 is provided by:
Project CEQA and NEPA information can be found HERE
For more information on this project contact WSRCD Project Manager Ross Perry.