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CAL FIRE Dersch Road Fuels Reduction

Two signs: Western Shasta Resource Conservation District and Cal Fire, roadside with trees and sky in the background.

WSRCD serves as a project partner with the CAL FIRE Shasta-Trinity Unit to help plan and implement hazard fuel reduction work in Shasta County. Currently, WSRCD is working on project planning and environmental review for fuel reduction work along Dersch Road-- from Millville Plains Road to State Highway 44. CAL FIRE aims to complete an initial fuels reduction treatment using manual and/or mechanical treatments. The goal is to treat up to 75 feet from the centerline of Dersch Road on both sides to reduce hazard fuel loading. Brush and ladder fuels will be removed, mature trees will be left in place and limbed up to approximately 10-feet. Work will, at a minimum, occur within the Shasta County right of way, which reaches an approximate average of 30 feet from the center line of Dersch Road. Cal Fire hopes that with voluntary cooperation from Dersch Road landowners, the treatments can extend up to 75 feet from the centerline to improve effectiveness. The initial treatment will be followed up with reoccurring maintenance treatments in the following years. Additional treatments may also include the use of targeted prescribed fire to treat roadside annual grasses in in the County right of way. Work would only occur during safe fire conditions, beginning Fall 2024 at the earliest.

Project Map - Use the + to zoom in on the treatment

Parcels in which landowner permission has been received are represented in green below.

Submit a Right of Entry Permit (ROEP)

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